Frenectomy Side Effects
A labial frenectomy is done when the thin piece of skin that attaches the upper lip to the upper gum is strained and pulls the gums away from the teeth.
A lingual frenectomy is done when the portion of muscle and skin that attaches the bottom of the tongue to the bottom palette of the mouth is connected too far out on the tongue, and interferes with talking, swallowing, or eating.
Laser Surgery
Although laser surgery is less time-consuming than invasive surgery, there are still side effects to be considered. People having a laser frenectomy must remain perfectly still. Anesthesia may not be required for an adult in this situation, if he can lie still during the procedure. But if a child is undergoing this procedure, anesthesia may be suggested.
As with all surgeries that require the use of anesthesia, the same precautions and risks should be expected. Some people have an adverse reaction to anesthesia. These people may have temporary side effects from the anesthesia that include dizziness, nausea and vision problems.
After Laser Surgery
Nerve damage may exist after surgery. This damage may be in the form of a slight tingling sensation around the surgical area, to total numbness of the area. Nerve damage in this area may only be temporary, and after a few weeks, sensations in the area may increase. On rare occasions, the nerve damage persists, and feeling around the surgery area is not regained.
Scalpel Frenectomy
Using a scalpel instead of laser during this surgery will have more side effects. Having this procedure performed with a scalpel will also take more time to complete for the surgeon. Laser surgery seals the blood vessels as the incisions are being made. When a scalpel is used, the surgeon must deal with excessive bleeding, as the surgery is taking place.
After Scalpel Surgery
After surgery is performed with a scalpel, stitches are put in. One side effect of stitches is the possibility that they will come out before the wound is healed. If this were to happen, an emergency visit back to the surgeon would be required. Stitches also have to be taken care of and kept clean at all times until the wound heals. Having stitches also leaves portions of the wound open, which makes the wound susceptible to germs, potentially causing infection. There is also a longer healing time involved with stitches than with laser surgery.
Risks of Surgery
Risks and side effects accompany every surgery. Some people may have all the side effects while others have no problems at all. Side effects such as bruising, swelling, and tenderness are common. If bleeding, excessive swelling, or redness appear in or around the surgical area, contact your surgeon or doctor for further instructions.