How to Treat Dental Surgery Pain
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Prescribed antibiotics or painkillers
- Ibuprofen
- Ice cream or yogurt
Treat Dental Surgery Pain
Request local anesthesia during the procedure if possible. Once the procedure is over, your mouth will remain numb, giving you time to fill your painkiller prescription and administer your first dose.
Fill all prescription painkillers as soon as possible. Your oral surgeon might treat your pain with a drug as simple as Tylenol with codeine, or something strong like ****.
Swallow your Ibuprofen pill to get the full benefits. Placing it on the gum near the surgical site may actually burn the gum.
Apply ice packs to your face over the surgical site to reduce swelling and pain. Ice the area on a 15-minute on-off schedule for the first day after the surgery. Continue as necessary.
Open and close your mouth slowly to increase blood flow to the area. The increased circulation will help treat your pain. Be sure not to clench or touch your teeth when closing your mouth during this exercise.
Eat soft, cold foods like ice cream or yogurt for the first few days after your surgery. The coolness will soothe your pain and the calories will boost your strength.
Take all antibiotics exactly as prescribed to you before and after the surgery. If you don't finish the pills on schedule, or just stop taking them when you feel better, the bacteria that remains may cause another painful infection.
Call your doctor if the pain becomes too much. Visit Dental Wisdom's website for ways to describe your pain accurately (see Resources below).