How do dentist put on expanders?

1. Consultation and Treatment Plan: The dentist will first assess your child's oral health and discuss the need for an expander. They will consider factors such as the severity of the crowding, the child's age, and the condition of their teeth and jaws.

2. Preparation: Before placing the expander, the dentist may need to prepare the child's teeth. This may involve cleaning and smoothing the teeth's surfaces to ensure the expander fits correctly.

3. Placing the Expander: The dentist will place the expander on the child's teeth. The specific type of expander used will depend on individual circumstances. Some expanders are cemented to the molars, while others are removable.

4. Activation: Once the expander is in place, the dentist will activate it. This involves turning a screw or key on the expander, which slowly widens the palate. The rate and frequency at which the expander is activated will be determined by the dentist based on the child's progress.

5. Monitoring and Adjustments: The dentist will closely monitor the child's progress and make any necessary adjustments to the expander as needed. This may involve periodic visits to the dentist's office for check-ups and adjustments.

6. Retention: After the desired expansion has been achieved, the expander will be removed. The dentist may recommend a retainer to maintain the expansion and prevent the palate from narrowing again.

It's important to follow the dentist's instructions carefully during and after the expansion process to ensure the best results and minimize any discomfort.

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