Lifestyle Lift Dangers
Bruising and Swelling
Bruising and swelling is typical after undergoing the Lifestyle Lift procedure. Generally, it is temporary as the healing time for patients is estimated at one week. However, other problems may arise such as temporary facial distortion due to prolonged swelling. If this occurs or if there is any swelling beyond the normal amount expected, discuss this issue with the Lifestyle Lift staff or surgeon immediately because this may indicate more serious complications such as infection.
Excessive bleeding is a risk associated with any surgical procedure. Lifestyle Lift patients are asked to stop using any blood-thinning medications such as aspirin to reduce bleeding complications. The after-care instructions must be followed after the procedure to reduce the bleeding danger. The Lifestyle Lift procedure uses local anesthesia which eliminates any dangers associated with the use of general anesthesia or sedation.
Pain is a common and expected side effect of the Lifestyle Lift procedure, but there is less pain than with the more invasive facelift procedures. If the pain worsens or progresses beyond the ache of normal healing, this may indicate an infection. Other signs of infection include elevated temperature and any discoloration of the treated area that does appear to be the normal bruising expected while healing. Contact the doctor immediately if you think your symptoms indicate an infection.
Nerve Damage
Damage to nerves during surgery is rare, but occasionally the surgeon accidentally cuts nerves during the procedure. Serious complications associated with this are extremely rare with mild cases occurring occasionally. Numbness and tingling are symptoms of nerve damage, but they can also be a sign of normal healing. If these symptoms increase or are bothersome, contact your physician immediately.