Signs You Need an Eye Lift or Face Lift
Wrinkles and Creases
As people age, wrinkles begin mapping routes across their faces and some develop into deep crevices. A deep crease across the forehead and "smile lines" around the mouth can prematurely age someone. When wrinkles and creases invade your face to a point where they cause you dismay, it may be time to consider having a face lift.
Droopy Eyelids
Since most people look you in the eye when you first meet, droopy eyelids can definitely give off the wrong impression. Sagging eyelids can make faces appear as if they are mad all the time. Also, excessively sagging eyelids can impair your vision. If you don't like the expression on your face when you look in the mirror, consider having an eye lift to remove excess skin around the eyes.
Loose Skin
Over time, gravity works its effects on faces. Years of constant downward force and decreasing muscle tome can create sagging skin along the jaw line. Also, losing weight can leave saggy skin on many parts of the body, including the face. A face lift can easily correct this condition.