How to Preprare for a Contour Thread Lift
Contact cosmetic surgeons in your area to find a medical professional authorized to work with contour threads. The manufacturer of these innovative threads requires that surgeons complete a training course before performing the surgery. Be sure your surgeon has completed the training and has authorization to perform this kind of facelift.
Schedule a consultation with your surgeon to verify whether you are a likely candidate for a contour thread facelift. If you have fragile, aging skin, are looking for an extreme transformation, have extremely droopy skin or have very little facial fat, your doctor may recommend a full surgical facelift.
Expect to pay at least $3,000 for a quality contour facelift. While prices may vary, the average cost is between $3,000 and $5,000 depending on how many threads are required for your desired results. Remember that a contour facelift is not as extreme as a surgical facelift. Prepare for another procedure every 5 years or so to maintain your youthful appearance.
Prepare for your contour thread facelift by quitting smoking well before the procedure. Smoking prevents blood circulation to the skin and can prolong healing. You should also eliminate aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs in the weeks before your procedure, as they can inhibit blood clotting and healing.
Arrange for someone to take you home and help you around the house for a few days after the surgery. Because you must limit the stress on the threads, it is best to avoid housecleaning, cooking and other activities that might place too much tension on the threads.
Plan at least 4 days for your contour thread facelift procedure, 1 for the actual facelift and at least 3 days off work. Most procedures can be performed in about an hour, depending on the number of threads needed, and will usually only require a local anesthetic. Prepare to keep your face as immobile as possible for at least a week, avoiding opening your mouth widely, loud laughing or rubbing of your face. Most patients return to work and a normal routine after about three days, as long as you are careful not to stress the threads.