How to Research the Different Facelift Techniques
Learn About Facelift Surgery Techniques
The most common facelift technique involve an incision that runs along your hairline behind the ears, allowing sagging fat and skin to be removed before reattaching and tightening the skin to the face with stitches or staples. The incision is made behind the hairline to hide any scarring. Female patients with strong facial bone structure typically have the best results with this technique.
Research the thread facelift technique, a much less expensive and invasive procedure than the traditional technique. The procedure is designed to reduce early aging signs, like sagging skin around the neck and cheeks, and can be performed with the patient fully conscious. With this technique, threads are pulled through small incisions, lifting and pulling the skin tighter to the face and producing only minimal scarring.
Be aware of techniques that target areas of the face that are difficult to address with traditional procedures. Endoscopic facelift surgery utilizes a thin, long tool that positions a camera inside incisions made to the face, allowing the surgeon to view the tissue and fat that needs to be removed. The incisions necessary for this procedure are much smaller than hairline incisions and result in little to no scarring.
The lower facelift technique is used to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline through a procedure that is similar to the traditional technique. However, it targets only the lower third of the face. An incision behind the ears and along the chin is made to remove excess skin in the neck.
Conduct research into different facelift techniques that address other common problem areas, such as the cheeks and eyelids. Dark circles under the eyes and falling cheeks are improved through lifting the tissue through incisions beneath the lower lids of the eyes or along the temples.