Why Is Drinking Protein Important After a Gastric Bypass?
After gastric bypass, your stomach will hold approximately one oz (or two tbsp). However, over time the stomach will stretch and will be able to hold four to eight oz (or a half cup to a whole cup).
Protein is used by your body to make hormones, enzymes and other body chemicals. It also is an important component of muscles, skin, bones, blood, and cartilage.
Protein Drink
Protein drinks or shakes are an important way to get the recommended daily serving of protein following surgery. Getting sufficient amounts of protein after surgery can be difficult because the small size of your stomach will reduce the amount of food you can eat at one time. Also, you may be unable to tolerate certain types of foods after surgery, including high-protein foods such as red meat.
Long Term
Protein is also very important for the long term because it builds and preserves muscle tissue. A healthy diet that includes sufficient protein combined with physical activity will help you lose fat instead of losing muscle.
Other Sources of Protein
Other important sources of protein include fish, chicken, turkey, red meat, pork, tofu, eggs, and cottage cheese.