How to Organize a Bariatric Clothing Exchange
Bariatric surgery is a term that encompasses several procedures that reduce the size of a patient's stomach. The purpose of the surgery is long-term weight loss. After the surgery, patients typically lose weight, and often the loss is rapid. Since patients' weights do not remain the same for long periods of time until they achieve their goal weight, purchasing new clothing with each size change can become expensive. To solve this problem, some people participate in bariatric clothing exchanges.Things You'll Need
- List of people who have had bariatric surgery
- Invitations
- Large meeting space
- Dressing rooms or private areas
- Grocery bags
The Event
Choose a date and time for your clothing exchange. Decide on rules, such as whether lingerie, swimwear and underwear will be included.
Either purchase invitations or make custom ones on your computer. Online invitation sites such as Evite an be helpful, as well. Include the rules on the invitation, so your guests are not inconvenienced or embarrassed by bringing items inappropriate for the exchange.
Make a list of everyone you know who's had bariatric surgery. Obtain their mailing or email addresses, and send them an invitation. HIPAA regulations prohibit hospitals, clinics and their employees from releasing names of patients who have had procedures done at their facility. Obtain your list of names from personal knowledge, friend referrals and word-of-mouth.
On the day of the event, prepare separate areas in the room where you'll hold the clothing exchange. Put signs in each section signifying a variety of sizes. For example, "Men's size XL" or "Women's size 16."
Have healthy beverages such as water and sugar-free tea available for your guests. Bariatric surgery includes a long-term plan of living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining healthy eating habits. As your guests will all be post-surgery, encouraging these actions is a positive and affirming move.
Explain to your guests where they can change clothes if they need privacy. Have grocery bags available into which guests can place desired items.