Types of Gastric Bands
Gastric banding is a more desirable choice over gastric bypass surgery whenever possible due to the fact that the potential for complications are lower. In terms of the surgery, gastric banding is typically an outpatient procedure, or the patient may be released at the end of the day, or early the next day. Due to the fact that this is a laparoscopic procedure, the incisions and damage to the surrounding organs is minimal, which significantly reduces the risk of post-surgery complications. Gastric bypass, however, is a major surgical procedure that requires a wide incision across the abdomen and severe trauma to the surrounding tissue. Individuals need to stay in the hospital for several days for observation, and often experience complications and side effects.
In addition to the banding process being less intensive, the results of gastric banding are also more successful than gastric bypass. One of the major reasons gastric bands are more desirable form of weight loss assistance and bariatric surgery, is the fact that they help an individual lose weight at a rate that is sustainable and healthy. Individuals utilizing gastric band can expect to lose around 2 pounds per week consistently, immediately after the procedure.
Lap Band
One of the most popular types of gastric band available is the Lap Band. The Lap Band utilizes a synthetic pouch that can be filled with saline solution to reduce the size of the upper stomach, and decrease an individual's hunger. The Lap Band is connected to the skin surface, where the amount of saline solution can be adjusted to either tighten or loosen the band as necessary. The Lap Band has become a favorite of gastric specialists because the band is inserted into the body for life, and therefore, can always be adjusted to help maintain the weight, and prevent weight gain, which is a very common side effect of gastric bypass surgery.
Realize Band
Another form of gastric band is the Realize Band. The realize band works with a silicone cinching mechanism to decrease the size of the upper stomach until it is only the dimensions of hard-boiled egg. Like the lap band, saline solution can be injected or withdrawn from inside the silicone and to adjust the size of the stomach, however initial reports have suggested that weight loss is slower than with the Lap Band. The procedure is better suited for individuals who have less weight to lose than Lap Band patients.
Vertical Gastroplasty
Vertical banded gastroplasty is another type of gastric banding. Commonly referred to as stomach stapling, this procedure utilizes a small surgical device to turn the stomach into a type of food hourglass, with the top part is significantly smaller than the bottom. Over time food from the top of the stomach slowly moves into the larger bottom part of the stomach for completed digestion, however at a rate that reduces hunger and decreases the amount of food that can be consumed at one time.