When to go vet possible stomach flipping?
Signs of GDV include:
- Bloat or distension of the abdomen
- Difficulty breathing
- Retching or vomiting
- Excessive salivation
- Restlessness or pacing
- Hunched back or arched neck
- Lethargy or collapse
- Rapid heart rate
- Pale gums
GDV is more common in large dogs with deep chests, such as Great Danes, German Shepherds, and Saint Bernards. It can also occur in other breeds, however.
If you think your dog may be experiencing GDV, it is important to seek immediate veterinary care. The sooner your dog is treated, the better their chances of survival.
The veterinarian will likely perform a physical exam and X-rays to diagnose GDV. They may also recommend bloodwork and other diagnostic tests. If GDV is confirmed, surgery will be necessary to correct the problem.
After surgery, your dog will likely need to stay in the hospital for several days for monitoring.** They will be given pain medication and intravenous fluids, and their diet will be restricted.
Most dogs that receive prompt treatment for GDV make a full recovery. However, the condition can be fatal if not treated quickly.
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