Long Term Effects of Bariatric Surgery
Although the procedures differ, both adjustable lap-band surgery and gastric bypass surgery are performed to create a smaller stomach pouch. This prevents the stomach from holding as much food at one time. Less food is eaten and weight loss occurs. Because the weight loss can be rapid and part of the stomach and small intestines are bypassed, side effects can occur. Certain side effects may be temporary. However other effects may be long term.
Not all patients recover from bariatric surgery the same and not all people will experience the same long term effects. However, there are a few common side effects which may occur, such as nutritional deficiencies. For example, some patients develop low iron levels, which can lead to anemia, or insufficient calcium absorption which can lead to osteoporosis. Dumping syndrome, which can cause a variety of problems can occur after eating foods high in fat or sugar. Another long term effect may be large amounts of sagging skin due to rapid weight loss.
Some of the long term effects from weight loss surgery can cause a variety of symptoms. For instance, patients who develop an iron deficiency and anemia may have frequent headaches, fast heart rate, dizziness and fatigue easy. Symptoms of dumping syndrome may include nausea, stomach pain, sweating and fatigue. The severity of symptoms varies greatly among patients. Certain long term effects may start shortly after surgery and others may develop after several weeks.
Certain long term effects of bariatric surgery, such as dumping syndrome, don't have many treatment options once the condition occurs. Other long term effects may be treatable. For example, excess sagging skin may be treated through addition surgery to remove the skin and procedures such as a tummy tuck. Regular exercise, including strength training may also help tone muscles and tighten skin. Conditions which may occur from vitamin deficiencies may be treated by taking daily supplements.
Certain long term effects of surgery may be prevented by following a doctor's recommendations. For example, dumping syndrome may be prevented by eating small portions, drinking plenty of water and limiting foods high in sugar and fat. Conditions such as anemia, may be preventable by taking iron supplements shortly after surgery to stop a deficiency from occurring.