How to Lose Weight Like Star Jones
Ask a doctor about having gastric bypass surgery if you are more than 100 pounds overweight. Women like Star Jones who have that much weight to lose are usually eligible if they have no other pressing medical problems.
Research less invasive ways to lose the weight. Doctors will often recommend finding other effective ways to lose weight before a gastric bypass becomes necessary. Less drastic surgeries, such as lap bands, may help you lose the weight. If these fail and the gastric bypass becomes an alternative, your doctor will schedule lab tests to start the process.
Have a complete physical and lab tests to determine whether you have any medical conditions that would make the surgery risky.
Undergo the surgery. The doctor will make your stomach smaller so that you are not able to eat as much. The stomach can be made smaller with staples, or part of the stomach may be cut out. The small intestines are also usually shortened to reduce the amount of food that can be absorbed. You will have to stay in the hospital for 2 to 6 days, depending on the type of gastric bypass surgery you had.
Follow the diet your doctor gives you. You must follow a strict diet to compensate for the small amount of food you can eat. The diet usually consists of small portions of high-protein food and some dietary supplements. To keep the weight off and her stomach from stretching, Star Jones has to keep her food consumption low. If your stomach enlarges, it can hold more food and you can regain too much weight. Stay on the prescribed diet.