How to Get a Gastric Bypass Consultation
Work with your health care professionals to lose weight without resorting to surgery. Many clinics will not speak with individuals who have not made every effort to shed pounds without surgical assistance.
Accept that gastric bypass clinics will generally not offer a consultation to anyone who does not meet at least the clinical standards of obesity.
Recognize that even morbid obesity does not automatically qualify a person for a gastric bypass consultation.
Be willing to face an extensive battery of tests if accepted for an appointment at a gastric bypass clinic.
Understand that gastric bypass surgery is only for people who have a body mass index (BMI) above 40 or who are 100 or more pounds overweight.
Research the lifestyle changes required after undergoing gastric bypass surgery. People should not go into a consultation without knowing the way their lives will be permanently changed by weight loss surgery.
Obtain a referral to a clinic through your primary care physician. The clinic will ask that your doctor document your efforts to lose weight.
Identify ongoing severe health problems caused by your weight. Some clinics will consult with patients who do not meet other criteria if there is a pressing medical need.
Show that you can adapt to the lifestyle of person who has undergone gastric surgery. Clinics may be more willing to see patients who have already begun eliminate certain foods from their diets.
Undergo mental health counseling in regard to weight loss issues. Candidates for weight loss surgery must prove that they are stable enough to handle its consequences.
Embark upon an exercise regimen aimed at losing a small amount of weight and improving your overall well being. In the absence of a dire medical emergency, a commitment to healthy practices is a definite plus when trying to get an appointment at a gastric bypass facility.