Umbilical Hernia Repair Complications
Continuing Pain
Abdominal pain or numbness may linger for several months after umbilical hernia repair, states Bupa Health Care.
Anesthesia Reactions
You might have a negative reaction to the anesthesia. This is more common with general and spinal anesthesia than with local anesthesia, as noted by a study published in a 2003 issue of the "Journal of Postgraduate Medicine."
Blood Clot
A patient undergoing umbilical hernia repair may develop a blood clot in a leg vein (deep vein thrombosis). Treatment can prevent the clot from becoming larger and from breaking loose and moving to the lungs.
Organ Damage
Damage to other organs in the abdomen, particularly the large intestine, may occur during hernia repair. This complication is rare, according to Medline Plus. Further surgery may be needed if this happens.
Because umbilical hernia repair is generally safe, the main complications of are those associated with any surgery, i.e., excessive bleeding and infection.