How to Remove Mesh From a Previous Hernia Surgery
Consult with your supervising physician to discuss the viability of removing the mesh in your particular case. Understand that pain experienced post-surgery is not always caused by the mesh itself, so removal is not always going to be an option. Listen to your doctor's advice, and obtain a second or third opinion if you truly believe that mesh removal is in your best interests.
Undergo testing to determine the root source of your pain prior to mesh removal surgery. This will generally involve other forms of testing, such as a CT (computer imaging) scan, a colonoscopy and other forms of visual observation to attempt to ascertain whether the mesh is the problem. Mesh that causes chronic pain generally occurs for one of four reasons: recurrence of the hernia, migration of the mesh, an inflammatory response by the body and infection. If one of these are the reasons for your discomfort, mesh removal might be an option.
Undergo surgery to remove the mesh and attempt to correct the underlying problem through other means. One alternative repair method is called a herniorrhaphy, which involves sewing together the hole in the abdominal wall as opposed to patching it with a mesh. Consult with your physician about the best alternative means for patching up your hernia again following removal of the mesh.