Recommended Treatment for a Stomach Area Hernia

A hernia is caused when a part of an organ pushes through a thin part of the muscle wall of the abdomen; this usually leads to a great deal of discomfort.
  1. Causes

    • Stomach-area hernias are usually caused by the incomplete closing of the muscles around the belly button or a tear in the muscle wall through scar tissue caused by past surgery.


    • Symptoms commonly associated with stomach hernias include: intense abdominal pain and a bulge in the area of pain.


    • The common treatment method that is recommended involves not undergoing any physically strenuous exercises and to avoid straining on the toilet. Most hernias will heal on their own.


    • There are a number of things one can do to try and prevent future hernias which include: not becoming overweight, emptying the lungs before heavy lifting, and abdominal exercises.


    • In extreme hernia cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to fix the problem quickly, and assure that the protruding organ is not damaged.

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