My 3 yr old daughter is having her tonsils removed tomorrow at 10 am it okay to drink after midnight or even the morning of surgery?
There are some exceptions to this rule. If your daughter is under 1 year old or has a medical condition that requires her to drink liquids, talk to your doctor about what is best for her.
In general, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid giving your daughter any food or drink after midnight the night before her surgery. This will help to ensure her safety during surgery.
Here are some tips for helping your daughter stay hydrated before surgery:
* Give her plenty of clear liquids to drink throughout the day leading up to surgery.
* Avoid giving her caffeinated drinks or sugary drinks.
* If your daughter is thirsty on the morning of surgery, you may be able to give her a small amount of water or ice chips.
Talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns you have about giving your daughter liquids before surgery.