What does a hernia feel like?
Inguinal hernia (groin hernia): You might notice a bulge in your groin. This is especially noticeable when you cough or strain your self, or it might only be noticeable when you stand up. You may also feel pain or discomfort in your groin.
Femoral hernia (Groin hernia): Like an inguinal hernia, you may notice a bulge or swelling in your groin. However, because a femoral hernia is usually lower in the groin and closer to the thigh, it may appear or be more noticeable when you bend over, stand for a long time or walk. You may also feel pain or aching on that side of your groin or your thigh.
Hiatal hernia: You might feel pain in your chest or abdomen, especially after eating. You may also experience problems with swallowing, choking, or coughing.
Umbilical hernia (Belly button hernia): You may notice a bulge at your belly button. You may also feel pain in your abdomen that worsens when you cough, bend over or lift something heavy.
Incisional hernia (Post -surgical hernia): A bulge or swelling near previous surgical incision. You may also experience pain or tenderness around the bulge or hernia, which gets worse with coughing or straining.