What problems might a herniated disc cause?
1. Pain: A herniated disc can put pressure on the surrounding nerves, resulting in pain. This pain can be localized to the area of the herniated disc or it can spread down the length of the affected nerve.
2. Muscle Weakness: A herniated disc can also affect muscle function in the area supplied by the affected nerve. This can lead to weakness in the muscles of the back, legs, or arms.
3. Numbness and Tingling: Pressure from a herniated disc on the nerve root can cause tingling and numbness in the area supplied by the nerve. This is often felt in the arms, legs, or back.
4. Reflex Changes: A herniated disc can also affect the body's reflexes, such as the knee jerk reflex. Changes in reflexes may be an indication of nerve damage caused by the herniation.
5. Difficulty Walking: A herniated disc in the lower back can put pressure on the nerve roots that supply the legs, leading to difficulty walking. This can include problems with balance, coordination, and walking distances.
6. Bladder and Bowel Problems: A herniated disc in the lower back can affect the nerves that control the bladder and bowels. This can lead to incontinence or difficulty urinating and defecating.
7. Radiating Pain: The pain caused by a herniated disc can often radiate from the spine and down the legs or arms, following the course of the affected nerve.
8. Spinal Cord Compression: In severe cases, a herniated disc can compress the spinal cord itself. This is a serious medical condition that can cause significant neurologic damage and requires prompt treatment.
It's important to note that not everyone with a herniated disc will experience these problems. The symptoms and severity can vary widely depending on the individual and the nature of the herniation. If you suspect that you may have a herniated disc, it is essential to seek medical evaluation for proper diagnosis and management.