Hernia Patch Complications
How It Works
The Kugel Mesh Hernia Patch is a flexible plastic ring sandwiched between two pieces of mesh and is used to protect the abdomen from any damage that internal organs could cause during postoperative care for hernia surgery. The patch is inserted along the inside of the abdomen wall and is made of material that is safe for the human body.
How the Side Effect Forms
The plastic ring is also called the memory recoil ring. If this ring is damaged after surgery, then it can damage the tissues surrounding the hernia, which can lead to some of the more serious side effects now associated with the patch.
Bowel Obstruction
If the ring is broken, it can damage already vulnerable abdominal tissue. If so, that can cause blockage of the intestines. If the intestines are blocked, then the patient won't be able to have a proper bowel movement, which can lead to diarrhea, pain, bloating and vomiting. If it goes untreated, it can lead to more serious problems.
Bowel Perforation
A bowel obstruction may be preferable to this potential side effect. If the damaged ring tears at the intestinal tissue, that tear can allow bodily waste to seep into the abdominal cavity, which is an otherwise sterile environment. Bowel perforation can lead to a high fever, vomiting or a serious blood infection known as sepsis. This side effect can result in death without treatment.
Chronic Intestinal Fistulae
Sometimes when the ring breaks, it can lead to an abnormal connection between two different parts of the intestine. The main symptom for this problem is abdominal pain, but when the condition goes untreated it can lead to other issues such as sepsis and infection.
The FDA has issued three different recalls of the Kugel Mesh Hernia Patch, which involves six different models. About 750,000 people have hernia surgery in the U.S. each year, and the FDA estimates that Kugel has made $11 million selling defective hernia patches.