What to Expect After Hip Surgery
Time Frame
Pain after surgery may last from four to six weeks. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to take when necessary. Pain medication works best when taken in regular intervals. This medication may not make the pain disappear, but it will reduce the severity.
Deep Breathing Exercises
Your doctor may have you do deep breathing exercises after your hip surgery. This is to keep your lungs clear and avoid complications such as pneumonia. Bed rest, anesthesia and pain medicine may keep you from breathing deeply. You'll do deep breathing exercises 10 to 15 times each waking hour to help improve lung function while in the hospital.
Ankle pump exercises will help reduce the swelling in your leg after your hip surgery. These exercises may also help to ward off blood clots in the leg. This exercise is done by pointing and flexing both feet slowly. Initially, ankle pumps should be done 10 times every hour after surgery.
While recovering from hip surgery, there are activities you should avoid to ensure proper healing of the hip joint. These may include picking objects off of the floor, reaching for your feet, and stepping over a bath tub wall. It is important to follow all of your doctor's recommendations to ensure a proper recovery.
Your may need to use a walker or crutches after surgery. It often takes six to eight weeks for your bones to heal properly following surgery, so it is important not to walk without your crutches or walker until your doctor says it is safe to do so.