Can you use a cane with walking boot after surgery for broken ankle?
Stability: Crutches provide greater stability and support compared to a single cane. Using crutches reduces the weight-bearing load on the injured ankle, promoting proper healing and minimizing the risk of re-injury.
Balance: After ankle surgery, your balance may be temporarily affected. Crutches offer better balance and assist in distributing weight evenly between the arms and unaffected leg, reducing the risk of falls.
Range of Motion: Typically following ankle surgery, your mobility will be limited, and you may not be able to put full weight on the injured foot. Crutches allow you to ambulate safely within the restrictions set by your healthcare provider.
Healing Progress: Using crutches will help ensure that your ankle receives adequate rest and protection during the healing process. Overusing a cane or putting too much weight on the injured ankle too soon can potentially hinder the healing process or cause complications.
However, keep in mind that specific recommendations may vary depending on your individual case and the nature of your surgery. It's important to follow the guidance provided by your doctor or physical therapist regarding the use of assistive devices after ankle surgery. They will make the best recommendation based on your progress and recovery status.
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