How to Use a Sock Aid After Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Sock aid
- Socks
Purchase a sock aid. They are available at companies that sell durable medical equipment, including many pharmacies. If you need a sock aid following a stay at the hospital where you have had surgery, the doctor or nurses can direct you where to buy a sock aid. Sock aids are very inexpensive, available for under $12.
Choose a pair of socks. Keep in mind that it is probably best to have loose fitting socks on after a hip surgery, so as not to compress your legs, since the danger of blood clots is sometimes present following such a major operation.
Take a sock and slide it over the sock aid. It should easily fit as you maneuver it over the sock aid. Once you have the sock on the sock aid as far as it can go you should be able to look inside the open sock.
Hold onto the handles of the sock aid and drop the part with the sock on to the floor. Position your foot with your toes straight over the open sock and push it into the sock as you hold onto the handles. Push easy and your foot should slide partially into the sock. Pull up on the sock aid with the straps and the sock should slide onto your foot.
Pull the sock on as far as it can go, wriggling your toes and slightly turning your foot side to side to help the sock go an as far as possible. The sock should be able to slide pretty far up. When you have it on as far as it will go you can pull the sock aid until it comes out of the sock.
Repeat this step with your other sock. It may take a couple of times using your sock aid before you get a feel for it and become adept at getting on your socks. You will learn which kind of socks go on easier than others.