How to Find My Hysterectomy Records
Things You'll Need
- Name, address, and telephone number of the hospital where you had the procedure
- Name, address, and telephone number of the referring family physician or OB/GYN who did the procedure.
- Passport, driver's license, and Social Security number or other identifying tax number
Find the address of the hospital where you had the procedure. You can find this by looking in the Yellow Pages of the telephone book or in online telephone and address directories.
Call or write to the hospital and ask for the medical records department. State that you are looking for record of your surgery. Have the date, your name and your Social Security/tax identification number ready for the clerk. The clerk might ask for both your married and/or your maiden name.
Hospitals mandate that requests for medical records be made in writing with a specific medical records release form. The clerk will ask for your address to send a medical release form to you. A medical release form is their surety that the form is with the correct ownership. Be prepared to give the following information in written form: patient name, address, telephone number, date of birth and Social Security number.
Complete medical release form, and return it to the medical records department.
The most certain way to obtain medical records is to go through your family doctor who should have them on file.