Massage Therapy for Abdominal Adhesions After a Hysterectomy
Massage Therapy for Abdominal Adhesions
Treat minor abdominal adhesions after a hysterectomy with massage therapy. A massage therapist or a physical therapist uses hands-on techniques to massage your abdominal muscles, which relaxes them enough so that the organs can then be directly massaged. You will be instructed to relax and breathe slowly and deeply during the massaging of both your abdominal muscles and internal organs, in order to prevent your muscles from tensing up and interfering with the work your massage or physical therapist is trying to do. You may also be instructed to lie with your knees and hips bent, in order to allow the massage treatment to penetrate deeper into the abdominal muscles and underlying organs.
Once your abdominal muscles have sufficiently relaxed, your therapists will continue to use her hands to gently massage the organs and general area where an adhesion is suspected. The movements of the massage will be steady and gradually increasing in pressure, in order to efficiently yet gently separate adhesions from one another.
Massage therapy after a hysterectomy should only be sought if your abdominal adhesions are not a medical emergency. Symptoms such as severe pain, vomiting, constipation and fever indicate that organs or tissues are at risk for serious injury or death, and should not be ignored. Seek medical treatment right away.
Speak to your physician as soon as possible if massage therapy has not helped to eliminate the symptoms of an abdominal adhesion. Some adhesions may require surgery in order for them to be successfully removed.