How to Treat Side Effects of Hysterectomy
After a hysterectomy, you may suffer insomnia and fatigue because of the sudden decline of certain hormones. Rest is crucial to the healing process, but be prepared for a six-week recovery period, at the least. Some women may take longer to recover. Take all medications as prescribed, including painkillers, which will help you rest comfortably after surgery.
You may have problems moving your bowels, which can be very painful. Eat foods that are high in fiber, such as vegetables, whole grains and fruits, and high in protein, such as fish, poultry, soy products, low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese. The fiber-rich foods, especially, will help. Avoid starchy foods and alcohol.
Talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). If you have a history of heart problems, blood clots or other blood disorders, HRT may not be recommended because it thickens the blood, putting you at increased risk for complications. Your doctor can come up with a treatment plan that is right for you, however, make sure he knows your risk factors.
Take supplements--especially Vitamin E--to alleviate uncomfortable hot flashes and mood changes. A hysterectomy can increase your risk for osteoporosis, because of your body's inability to absorb calcium with hormone fluctuations. Calcium helps prevent bone loss. Vitamins B and C help reduce stress and aid in rest. A multivitamin will help restore your body's essential vitamins and minerals to a pre-hysterectomy state.