Hysterectomy Recovery Exercises
Regaining Abdominal and Lower Back Strength
The extended period of bed rest after a hysterectomy can weaken the muscles in your lower back and stomach. Ohio State University Medical Center suggests the following movements, most of which can be performed in bed. Each of the following exercises should be held for five to 10 seconds and repeated 10 times on a daily basis.
Tucks, Stretches and Tilts
The chin tuck can be performed while sitting in a chair or on the side of your bed. Keep your arms relaxed and by your side. Look straight ahead and pull your chin as though you are attempting to create a double chin.
The upper back and shoulder stretch is done while lying in bed or on a mat. Bring your hands over your head and rest with your palms up. Press your arms back into the bed.
The pelvic tilt can also be achieved in a lying-down position. You can place your hands on your stomach or put one hand under your lower back and keep the remaining hand on your stomach. Lightly tighten your buttocks and stomach muscles to pull your lower back down. You will notice your pelvis or hip bones roll backward.
You will have to get on your hands and knees to carry out the stomach-strengthening movement. Start by taking a deep breath. As you slowly exhale, keep the rest of your body still while tightening your stomach muscles.
Consult Your Doctor
Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise regime after your hysterectomy. It's important to get moving once your doctor gives you the OK. Exercises such as walking outdoors or on a treadmill will expedite your recovery.