Hysterectomy & Weight Loss
Post-Surgery Weight Gain
It is very common for women to experience weight gain immediately after their surgery. Because you are not able to be as active as you were before your operation, you will burn far fewer calories.
There is no way around the need to rest after your surgery, and it may be up to six months before you feel ready to resume the same level of activity you had before your surgery. You can reduce your calorie intake in response to your reduced activity level, but don't compromise your recovery to keep some weight off. Your doctor can help you come up with an appropriate eating plan that takes into account both your recovery and activity level
Hormone Replacement Therapy Weight Gain
If your ovaries were removed during your hysterectomy, your doctor will likely prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help alleviate some of the resulting menopause symptoms. HRT is associated with modest weight gain of about 3 lbs., however, according to Dr. Frederick R. Jelovsek.
If progestin is part of your HRT, you may also experience increased appetite. If this causes you to consume more calories without increasing your physical activity, you may gain additional weight.
Returning to Exercise
There is no set timetable that determines when you can begin to add physical activity back into your daily life after a hysterectomy, though your ability to do so will have a great impact on managing your weight. As a general rule of thumb, activity should be avoided completely for the first two weeks and lifting heavy things should be avoided for four to six weeks. Jumping into activity too soon will prolong your recovery, so work with your doctor on a plan to phase exercise back in a way that is safe for you.
A healthy diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, low fat dairy and fresh fruits and vegetables will help you keep your weight down as your body heals. Avoid processed foods while adding zinc-rich foods such as eggs and whole grain cereal, and vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus fruits to your eating plan. Zinc and vitamin C will help your body heal more quickly.
Long-Term Weight Management
Some women find that weight management is no different than before their hysterectomies once they return to normal activity, while others note a persistent difficulty to get the pounds off. Healthy eating and exercise are important, but if your weight won't shift, visit your doctor to rule out underlying issues such as endocrine problems and to develop a weight loss plan.