Can you become pregnant if had a partial hysterectomy and what are the symptoms?
No, it is not possible to become pregnant after a partial hysterectomy. During a partial hysterectomy, the upper part of the uterus, called the fundus, is removed. This is where the embryo would implant, so without a fundus, implantation cannot occur.
While you're unlikely to experience symptoms of pregnancy after a partial hysterectomy, some can include the following:
* Vaginal bleeding: You may still have vaginal bleeding after surgery. This is expected and does not necessarily indicate pregnancy.
* Abdominal pain: You may also experience abdominal pain from your scars at the surgical site.
* Cramping: Cramping or pain in your ovaries could be felt similarly to menstrual cramps during a period prior to the hysterectomy.
* Weight gain: While weight gain from pregnancy involves many physical symptoms, weight fluctuations can also take place following surgery without an expected pregnancy being the cause.
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
If you're unsure about whether you're pregnant, the only certainty is the result of a pregnancy test or a healthcare consult. Here are also symptoms to monitor from a potential unexpected pregnancy following partial hysterectomy:
* Morning sickness: a severe form of nausea usually in the morning.
* Breast enlargement: breast enlargement and tingling caused by pregnancy hormone changes.
* Fatigue: increased fatigue caused by a rise in body temperature.
* Aversions or cravings: increased sensitivity to smells, changes in flavor preferences
* Frequent urination: an increase in the body's fluid.
* Skin color changes: increased in pregnancy pigment causing darkening spots
* Swelling of the hands, feet or ankles: increase fluid retained around your joints leading to swelling.