Tips on a Pain Free Recovery After a Vaginal Hysterectomy

A vaginal hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus through the vagina, can be a life-altering procedure. Taking proper precautions to ensure a quick and pain-free recovery will be extremely beneficial in the long- and short-term. Here are some ways for you to have a speedy and virtually painless recovery from your hysterectomy.
  1. Pain Relief

    • Once your anesthesia wears off, your doctor will prescribe pain medications for you to take to prevent a painful recovery. If you are concerned about side effects or possible addictions to the medication, talk with your doctor and come up with a treatment plan that you're both comfortable with. Using a heating pad can also provide pain relief. Consider placing one on your front and back for optimal results. Be sure to take proper precautions when using heating pads to prevent burns.

    Healthy Eating

    • Due to the nature of the procedure and the prescribed medicines, there is a good chance that your bowels will slow down, putting you at risk for constipation. Before going into surgery, be sure to have your fridge and cupboards stocked with healthy juices, fruits, vegetables and whole grains to encourage regular, softer bowel movements. Using a laxative or Metamucil can also help to loosen the stool. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to assist in digestion.
      Ice chips are another good way to increase your fluid intake. Avoid dairy products, as those tend to have the opposite effect on your colon.

      Eating healthy will also help your body to be healthier and recover faster. Luckily, the same foods that prevent constipation help your body maintain its health.

    Get Plenty of Rest

    • Resting your body will ensure a quick and painless recovery. Make arrangements beforehand for help from family members and friends to help with tasks around the house, such as cooking, cleaning or any kind of lifting. Try not to bend over and avoid climbing stairs. Do not drive yourself for a few weeks post-surgery. Take care when moving from lying to sitting to prevent pain or setback in the recovery process.

    Hormone Replacement

    • After a hysterectomy, many women experience menopause if they haven't already. Talk to your doctor about safe hormone treatments to decrease the symptoms of menopause without side effects. These may include natural progesterone or herbal treatments.

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