Post Hysterectomy Exercises
Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises help tighten your pelvic floor. Hysterectomies, C-sections, and childbirth can loosen the pelvic floor. Tightening these muscles after a hysterectomy can result in better control and reduce urinary leaks. To perform Kegel exercises, squeeze the muscles that you would use to prevent the flow of urine on the toilet. Start by squeezing for a count of five, then relaxing. Repeat 10 times. Try to do your Kegel sets three times a day to strengthen and tone the muscles damaged by a hysterectomy.
Once you have gained some mobility, you can do some light exercises that will warm up your muscles for recovery. One of these exercise is based on isometrics principles--tightening your abdominal muscles. You can do this by flexing your abdominal muscles as if you were trying to press your belly button to your spine. Hold for five seconds, then release. Do 10 times per set, and do a set at least three times a day. This will help you get ready to move onto more challenging exercises.
Light Exercise
The next step is a more challenging exercise. While lying on your bed, place your feet flat with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Slowly lift your buttocks off the bed by applying pressure through your knees and feet until your body is in a diagonal line. You should feel your abdominal muscles contracting to support the weight. Hold for five seconds, then slowly lower yourself into the starting position. Do a set of 10 at least three times a day. If you feel like you are straining yourself or feel in pain, you should stop immediately and go back to isometrics until you feel ready to try again.