How to Maintain Normalcy After a Hysterectomy
Things You'll Need
- A sense of humor
- A desire to feel normal again
The first step to feeling normal again is to begin to do normal things as soon as your recovery allows. This means, getting the mail, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, exercising. As soon as your doctor gives you the OK to do these things, do not restrict yourself. I started working out as soon as the DR allowed it. And I never felt more liberated.
Do not feel sorry for yourself. Do not even entertain the thought. When that feeling hits you, get your shoes and go. Go for a walk, if you can, take a long drive or heck go shopping. These emotions can be overwhelming, but as long as you stay on top of them, you will maintain control. What worked for me the most during those times, was to be outside. So whenever I felt bad I went for a walk, or had someone drive me around. When I could drive on my own, I went shopping.
Take care of your body. This step is so important. Once I had the hysterectomy and the disease was taken out of my body, I felt liberated. I wanted to sing and dance and scream and cry and just live like I never lived before. Yes, it was tragic, yes it was painful, physically and emotionally. But that part is over and it is time to move on. Everyday I take my vitamins, I exercise and I watch what I eat. I do not restrict myself to anything. If I want chocolate, I have chocolate just in moderation. I also stop and reflect on the beautiful things in my life. And not for one second do I allow myself to be a victim. I am not a victim, I am a survivor. We have a choice, and I choose to live happily. Yes my joints hurt, yes they ache. Yes I am an emotionally wreck. Yes there are times when I cry like a newborn baby, but I don't indulge in those emotions. Allow yourself a time to feel it, and then move on. Allow yourself time to cry for a few minutes and then move on. My life is not just back to normal, it is better! Think of this as a second chance and take charge of your life!
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