How to Speed Hysterectomy Recovery
The first few weeks after a hysterectomy surgery, taking proper care of one's self is vital to a speedy recovery and to avoid another trip to the hospital. The following are some steps to help speed up hysterectomy recovery.Instructions
Go easy the first 2 weeks after the hysterectomy. Do not do any chores. Ask a family member or friend to help out with your needs.
Get plenty of rest, whether through naps, sleeping or just sitting down. Make sure you have enough pillows on your bed to be comfortable. Use heating pads to reduce soreness.
Read a novel or put on some soothing music. This can help to relax your mind and speed the recovery process.
Ask a friend or family member to drive if you have to go somewhere.
Skip the exercise for the next few weeks until authorized by your doctor.
Drink plenty of water; it helps flush out unwanted particles and toxins in your system.
Eat balanced and nutritious meals and a variety of foods. Choose lots of vegetables and cut down on dairy products. Milk products are not ideal at this time and can cause constipation. Take a multivitamin supplement.
Walk slowly around the house to keep the blood circulation going and avoid blood clots.
Beware of hormone changes which may cause mood swings. Ask your doctor about using natural progesterone and estrogen cream that can help balance out your hormones.
Take prescribed painkillers to help ease pain and discomfort.
Smile and be cheerful.