How to Feel Feminine After a Hysterectomy
Be positive going into it. Some women fear loosing their sex drive so much they begin feeling less feminine even before surgery. Having the procedure done with this attitude can have a mental affect on sexual desire afterward. Be positive and believe intimacy will be better than before.
Know the facts about your particular surgery. Talk to your doctor about whether or not your ovaries absolutely have to be removed. Ask lots of questions and sometimes the answers are positively surprising.
Become aware of yourself as separate from your uterus. This is a common problem among women with hysterectomies. Just knowing that the womb is needed for pregnancy can make a woman feel less feminine when it is removed. Don't think that if you're not able to have children you're any less of a woman.
Talk with your partner beforehand about your fears of feeling less feminine and the possible side effects of surgery. Come up with new ways to be intimate and make it exciting since intercourse and loss of sensation might be an issue at first.
Discuss medication with your physician. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) could be necessary, especially if both ovaries are being removed. Providing the body with supplemental hormones like estrogen might help to feel more feminine.
Buy something pretty and sexy for yourself before surgery and keep it in your bedroom. Every time you're looking at the item it will be a conscious reminder of feeling sexual. Do something like get a pedicure, manicure or gentle massage to feel rejuvenated and feminine.
Prepare to make adjustments to improve your feelings towards sexuality. The body does change physically during hysterectomy, but if feelings of loss of femininity take over seek professional help. Medications to help moods, especially depression, could be helpful if needed.