How to Prepare for a Radical Hysterectomy
Prepare for a Radical Hysterectomy
Be aware of the short term side effects of a radical hysterectomy. You may experience swelling of the extremities, particularly your legs and feet. Numbness at the site of the incision, the lower abdomen and the upper legs may also occur.
Understand the risks of radical hysterectomy. Blood clots, infection and problems with your bladder and bowels may follow a radical procedure.
Realize that the surgery will cause the rapid onset of menopause. Prepare for hot flashes, night sweats, extreme mood swings and related menopausal symptoms.
Expect depression and a period of mourning after surgery, no matter what your feelings about the loss of fertility before surgery.
Discuss with your doctor the possibility of additional treatment after a radical hysterectomy. Depending upon the results of biopsies and lab work, you may require chemotherapy, radiation therapy or both.
Stop smoking before your surgery. Decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke if you can't quit completely, as smoking thins your blood and can decrease your ability to clot properly.
Plan for a hospital stay of 7 to 14 days. Many times, the exact extent of radical surgery will not be known until the operation is underway. Prepare to be flexible with the length of your stay.
Recognize that your recovery will take at least 3 months and perhaps much longer. Arrange to be away from work and other activities and driving for 4 to 6 weeks.
Do not assume that a radical hysterectomy is the end of sexual interaction. Physical healing requires at least 4 to 6 weeks, emotional healing may take much longer.
Know that you will have a scar from the incision. The scar will be either vertical or horizontal depending upon the surgical necessity. The intensity of scarring varies from person to person.
Investigate alternatives to hormone replace therapy (HRT). Natural remedies for the symptoms of menopause are increasingly available. Many women find them to be highly effective and possibly less risky than hormone therapy.