Tips on Surviving a Double Knee Replacement
Plan Ahead for Recovery
According to the Mayo Clinic, you should be prepared for several weeks of immobility following knee replacement surgery. If you have had this procedure on both knees, you will probably need to use a wheelchair during this period. Make arrangements for transportation from the hospital after the surgery, as well as getting help for doing tasks like cooking, laundry and bathing. Avoid climbing stairs during this time, and if you live in a two-story house, create a temporary living space on your main floor. You will probably want to stick with baths during initial recovery, but if you only have a shower put in a stable bench or chair and install handrails beforehand. Arrange for a toilet seat riser if you have a low toilet, and keep crutches handy to help you get in and out of your wheelchair.
Exercise Guide
The American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons strongly recommends regular exercise following knee replacement surgery, and the group suggests a number of exercises and activities to take up as soon as you are able. Most of these involve simple range of motion exercises done on your back or while sitting, such as leg raises and ankle pumps. Work with your physical therapist on a regimen that is a fit for your age and condition. As your recovery moves forward, you will begin to put weight on your legs and walk with crutches. The sooner you can begin to walk the better, but follow the recommendations of your doctor and physical therapist when it comes to putting weight on your legs to avoid the possibility of re-injury.
Expectations and Considerations
Ongoing exercise will be a key to your recovery. You might want to invest in a stationary bicycle or other home exercise equipment to keep your legs and knees in shape. It is generally takes about three to six weeks to begin to resume normal household activities after a knee replacement, and with double knee replacement it may take a bit longer. Stick to your doctor's advice when it comes to regaining mobility. Over time, you should be able to enjoy low-impact exercise such as swimming, biking or golf, but high-impact activities like skiing or basketball may be out. Still, the Mayo Clinic reports that 95 percent of people who have knee replacement surgery report improved mobility, pain relief and an overall better quality of life.