Knee Replacement how much bend after?
Initially, after surgery, your ROM will likely be limited, and you will experience some swelling and discomfort. You will typically start physical therapy soon after surgery to help improve your ROM, strengthen the muscles around your knee, and regain stability.
During the early stages of recovery, you will focus on gentle exercises to improve your ROM. These exercises may involve bending and straightening your knee as much as you comfortably can. Your physical therapist will guide you through these exercises and provide you with specific ROM goals to work towards.
The amount of bend you are able to achieve after knee replacement surgery can vary, but most people are able to bend their knees to a range of 0 to 120 degrees. Some individuals may be able to achieve even greater ROM. However, it's important to work within your limits and progress gradually to avoid causing any damage or discomfort.
Here's a general timeline for ROM expectations after knee replacement surgery:
1-2 Weeks After Surgery: During this time, your main goal is to focus on pain management, reducing swelling, and preventing blood clots. You will likely use a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine to gently move your knee and improve your ROM.
2-4 Weeks After Surgery: As your pain and swelling subside, you will start formal physical therapy. You'll perform exercises to improve your ROM and strengthen your knee muscles.
4-8 Weeks After Surgery: Your ROM should continue to improve during this phase. You'll also work on increasing your mobility and endurance by performing exercises like standing and walking.
8-12 Weeks After Surgery: By now, you should have achieved a significant range of motion in your knee. You'll continue to strengthen your muscles and work on improving your balance and coordination.
12+ Weeks After Surgery: During this phase, you should be able to perform most everyday activities without restrictions. You can continue to work with your physical therapist to fine-tune your ROM and overall knee function.
Remember, everyone recovers at their own pace. It's essential to follow your doctor's instructions and work with your physical therapist to ensure a safe and successful recovery.