How do you put on high heels?
2. Break in your high heels gradually. Start by wearing them for short periods of time around the house or at work. Then, slowly increase the amount of time you wear them each day. This helps to prevent blisters and calluses.
3. Use supportive inserts. If you find that high heels are too uncomfortable, you can use over-the-counter inserts to provide extra cushioning and support.
4. Walk gracefully. Take smaller steps and walk heel-to-toe instead of flat-footed. Keep your body upright and avoid arching your back.
5. Know when to rest. Don't wear high heels for extended periods of time. Take breaks throughout the day and give your feet a chance to rest.
Remember, it takes practice to walk comfortably in high heels. But with time and patience, you'll be able to strut your stuff like a pro!