Alternatives to Partial Knee Surgery

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body. The knee is made up of ligaments, cartilage, tendons, fluid filled sacs, bone and muscle. When the knee becomes damaged it is difficult to do everyday activities like walking, bending, stooping, squatting and sitting. Knee pain treatment often includes medical procedures such as partial knee replacement surgery but if partial knee replacement isn't for you there are other alternatives to treatment.
  1. Knee Replacement Surgery

    • Because of the knee's complexity it can easily become damaged from quick movements, straining muscles, tearing tendons or ligaments and direct trauma. Often when the knee is severely damaged it needs surgical treatment. Partial knee replacement surgery is often used by people who have arthritis. The partial knee replacement surgery replaces just one side of the knee joint. The replacement knee is made from high quality metal and plastic and can delay and even possibly prevent the process of a total knee replacement. However, many people seek non-surgical alternatives to knee pain.

    Non-Surgical Knee Surgery Alternatives

    • A knee brace can also be used as an alternative to partial knee surgery. Knee braces are used to provide stability to the knee joint, minimize pain, reduce swelling, strengthen leg muscles and cause the knee joint to realign itself.

      One other alternative to the partial knee replacement surgery is weight loss. Weight loss with a painful knee can often be a difficult task but it will greatly reduce the stress that is placed on the knee when the weight comes off. Weight loss can be achieved through a balance of diet and exercise. A weight loss diet consists of healthy whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein. To achieve weight loss you should exercise by doing low or no-impact exercises such as walking, yoga, Pilates or using an exercise machine. To lose weight you have to burn twice as many calories as you consume so restricting calories and increasing the amount of calories burned will help you lose weight.

      Another alternative to partial knee replacement surgery is improving flexibility and building up the surrounding knee muscles to reduce the overall strain on the knee joint. It is important to always stretch the muscles before you exercise them so that you do not pull a muscle and cause additional pain. Muscle strength can be achieved through leg lifts, knee extensions, muscle clenching or by riding a stationary bike. Non-surgical knee pain treatment alternatives may help to prevent the need of knee surgery or perhaps just delay it. However, knee pain treatment alternatives are not for everyone and you should consult all options with your doctor to determine if it is the right choice for you.

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