The Prognosis for a Torn ACL With Surgery
According to the National Institutes of Health, the ACL is in the middle of the knee and it helps the knee rotate by preventing the tibia (shinbone) from moving in front of the femur (thigh bone).
The ACL can be torn if the knee is overextended. There are many things that can cause an ACL tear, including athletic injuries, falls and car accidents.
Surgery to repair the ACL is usually successful and most people with a torn ACL are able to return to normal within a few months. Over 90 percent of athletes are able to return to sports within six months of the surgery.
After ACL surgery, you may have to use a knee brace and crutches for the first one to four weeks and go to physical therapy to build up strength in the knee for two to six months.
People can help prevent ACL injuries through training programs, such as strength training and balance training, or through exercise.