Recovery Time After ACL Surgery
Rehabilitation in the First and Second Week
In the first two weeks emphasis will be on reducing the pain and swelling in the knee. The exercises focus on improving movement and strengthening the muscles.
Third and Fourth Week
By the time the patient reaches the third week, the pain should have practically disappeared. Here the exercises put more emphasis on joint protection like bending the knee and balancing.
Fourth to Sixth Week
During the fourth to sixth weeks, the exercises continue as usual but with more emphasis on balancing on the surgical leg and on strengthening the calf muscles. These exercises are done by stepping up and down a step and by stretching.
Sixth to Tenth week
This phase stresses bending and stretching the knee with the use of weights to increase resistance. At this stage, mobility of the leg and balance are worked on with the help of the step and lunging exercises.
Tenth week onwards
Exercise continues until normal levels are reached. Light jogging on a treadmill is done. In the case of a person who plays sports, a functional brace is put on the knee to assist in sports activities.