Types of Knee Replacement Parts for Women
Knee replacement surgery has serious risk factors that need to be considered. Blood loss, permanent nerve damage, accidental joint damage and replacement failure are all possibilities, along with a long and painful recovery. The benefits of the surgery usually far outweigh the risks, and most patients are very satisfied with the result of their replacement surgery. If quality of life has suffered enough that even ordinary activities are curtailed, then knee replacement may be an option.
Zimmer Gender Solutions Knee
As knee replacement surgery has become more common, more prosthetic companies have been working towards improving the designs of their replacement knee joints. The Zimmer Gender Solutions Knee incorporates several features that address the anatomical characteristics typical of the female knee. When addressing these differences, it allows the surgeons more tools to design custom fitting. The differences are in the slimness of the design, the contour of the shape, and the flexibility of movement.
Biomet Vanguard Knee
This knee replacement focuses on the variations that can exist between genders, and offers a wide range of sizes in femoral pieces. They aim for a high degree if increased flexibility, up to 145 degrees of flexion. The Biomet knee aims for a more forgiving tracking of the new kneecap, to allow for both variations in height and tracking angle, which can be different in women than in men.
Stryker Triathlon Knee
The Stryker Triathlon knee is designed to try and get patients back to a more active lifestyle, and base their prosthetic designs on the Anthropometrically-Based Design study, which compares gender specific information and allows a broad range of choices for the surgeon to get the best fit. This particular knee system allows for the smaller anatomy of females in comparison to the larger bones of men.
It is important to ask your orthopedic surgeon as many questions as you can before you decide on surgery and what options may be available to you. Most surgeons have a preference of what type of prosthetic they use, but don't be afraid to ask your surgeon for another option.