Preoperative Nursing Care for Total Knee Replacement
Physical Assessment
The physical assessment ensures the patient is able to handle anesthesia for an extended period of time. Make sure the patient is free of fever and illness that could cause complications.
Health History
The nurse goes over the patient's past health history to identify possible postoperative concerns. For example, smoking can adversely affect the rate of bone recovery.
The best time to give postoperative instructions is before the surgery, when the patient is more alert. These instructions include breathing exercises, administering of pain medications and prevention of blood clots.
Assess the patient for anxiety. Make sure he understands the procedure, ask if he has any questions and explain what will be done for his pain after the procedure.
Body Prep
Part of a nurse's responsibility is to make sure the knee and surrounding leg is clean and shaved if requested by the doctor. The nurse may also start the IV line to be used during and after the surgery.