Total Knee Replacement Information
Success Rate
Over 90 percent of patients undergoing total knee replacement experience a significant reduction of pain and improvement in ability to participate in daily living activity, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
Time Frame
Total knee replacement surgery takes about 2 hours, and you'll probably stay in the hospital for several days. Physical therapy, including walking and exercising, begins very soon after surgery.
During knee replacement surgery, the surgeon extracts damaged cartilage and bone from the joint surface and replaces them with a metal and plastic surface.
Prohibitied Activities
After knee replacement, you'll be able to become more active again, but certain activities are prohibited. These include jogging, running, jumping and high-impact sports. Knee replacements can last for many years if you avoid these activities.
Possible Complications
Total knee replacement surgery leaves scars and can cause blood clots in the leg. Fewer than 2 percent of patients develop a knee joint infection, according to the AAOS, and major complications such as a stroke are possible, though extremely rare.