Post ACL Surgery Complications
Bleeding both inside and outside of the surgical incisions can occur as a result of this procedure. Exterior bleeding is easily fixed by repairing the sutures on the incision spot. However, internal bleeding can cause a number of problems. These include blood clots in the legs, pelvis or lungs, serious blood vessel injury, and rupture of the graft.
Infection is a possibility if the incision site on the knee is not properly sutured or if proper sanitary conditions are not met during the surgery. However, according to, only four out of every 10,000 patients develop an infection as a result of this procedure.
Knee Loosening
Another possible complication of ACL surgery is for patients to feel as if their knee is looser than it was prior to injury, resulting in instability and pain when walking or bending. If this complication arises, it is possible that a repeat surgical procedure may be needed.
Knee Stiffness
Knee stiffness can result as a complication of ACL surgery and is the product of excess scar tissue formation after the procedure is complete. Scar tissue forms in the joint of the affected knee in order to provide stability during the healing process. However, if too much tissue builds up, it can lead to stiffness in the knee and can prevent the patient from having full mobility.
Nerve Damage
It is possible that the nerves in the knee can be accidently cut or severed during the surgical process, resulting in numbness and instability in the repaired area. While this is a serious problem, statistics show that this problem only occurs in one out of every 5,000 ACL repair surgeries.