Rehab Exercises for Knees
Stretching Exercises
The stretching exercises done as part of knee rehab will typically focus on the quadriceps, as well as the hamstring muscles. These muscles surround the knee and are among the more commonly injured areas around the knees.
Stretch the hamstring muscles by lying on your back on the floor. Position your uninjured knee so that it is bent and the foot is flat on the floor. Pull on the back of the thigh of the leg that features the injured knee. Hold this stretch for about 20 seconds. Repeat the stretch two or three times.
The hamstring can also be stretched by lying on the floor and bending the uninjured knee so that the foot is flat on the floor. Move your buttocks near a wall and place your injured leg high on the wall. The stretch does not need to be at a 90-degree angle; however. the leg should be as straight as possible, with a little discomfort. If there is intense pain, you have stretched the leg too much; move your leg lower on the wall.
Stretch the quadriceps by standing facing a wall and pressing your hand on that wall. With your other hand, reach behind you, bend your knee and grab your foot. Lift up on your foot until it reaches the area just under your buttocks.
Strengthening Exercises
When you are trying to build up strength in a knee after a surgery or injury, it is important to start slowly. Trying to do too much too fast can make the injury worse.
Stand about 1 foot behind a chair and use both hands to grab its back. With your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly descend about 1/4 of the way to the floor and gently raise back up. Do this exercise 10 to 20 times as long as no pain is felt.
Another effective exercise that can help you rehabilitate your knee is a simple stepping exercise. Place a small stepping stool on the floor in front of your feet and step up onto the stool with the leg that has the injured knee. Use the force from the injured knee to push and bring the other leg onto the stool as well. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times, or less if there is pain.
This exercise can be modified by placing the stool to the side of the injured leg and then stepping on the stool with the injured knee.