Alternatives for Knee Replacement
Basic Care
Occasionally pain related to the knee can be managed with medication, rest, massage, physical therapy and topical pain killers.
Arthroscopic Surgery
Arthroscopic surgery is a noninvasive surgery completed through use of advanced imaging technology. According to the Mayo Clinic, this type of surgery is much easier on the body than a knee replacement.
Injecting a steroid like corticosteroid into the knee helps restore cartilage and limit pain. Corticosteroid injections of are administered every two months.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body as a cushion and lubricant for the body's joints. When injected directly into the knee every six months this acid works in the same way as the kind produced naturally.
Orthotic shoe inserts can eliminate the stress being placed on the outside of the knee and redirect that stress to the entire knee. This helps save the knee from further destruction and may prevent the need for a knee replacement.