About Double Knee Replacement Surgery
Double knee replacement surgery is one option for those whose knees have worn away through misuse, excessive use, osteoporosis or arthritis. Knee replacement consists of replacing the damaged knee area with metal and plastic. The area that needs replacement is the place where the weight is distributed and where cartilage has often worn away.
Pain will be the initial effect of a double knee replacement surgery, but successful operations will eliminate chronic pain with which the patient has most likely been living the long run. While people who undergo double knee replacements may not go on to run a marathon, they will find mobility greatly increased and discomfort greatly decreased.
The increased mobility can only come about with lots of hard work after the surgery. Physical therapy is a must after double knee surgery. A trained therapist can help the patient gradually increase the use of their knees without damaging them. Patients often work with a therapist several times a week. The therapists can make house calls or the patient can go to their office. Water therapy, such as an indoor pool, has also been effective. It allows people to gently work on their knees without the jarring force of gravity nipping at their heels, so to speak.
Time Frame
The healing time after double knee replacement surgery is extensive. The stay in the hospital can last up to a week, with some patients needing to stay in a rehabilitation center afterward. Weeks of physical therapy will also follow the surgery. People will start to feel stable and recovered from a knee replacement after about three months.
One of the major questions that comes with double knee replacement surgery is if both knees should be replaced at the same time. Those that choose this option are probably hoping for a shorter recovery time, as they will not need to be recovering for two separate three-month periods. There are, however, double the risks as two surgeries are being done in one sitting. Some patients who have chose to have both knees done at once have needed blood transfusions, experienced disorientation after the procedures and have often suffered from severe and sometimes fatal cardiac complications.