How to Work Out After Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery is something many injured athletes and arthritis sufferers have to endure. If the pain of your damaged or disease-afflicted knee keeps you from performing everyday activities, you need to decide whether getting knee replacement surgery is right for you. Once you've had the surgery, follow your doctor's instructions in order to ensure a faster recovery. You can still exercise in moderation and with your doctor's approval.

Things You'll Need

  • Walker
  • Cane
  • Doctor
  • Crutches
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    • 1

      Exercise after surgery using a walker to adjust to the new knee. Put away
      the walker once you're more comfortable walking and switch to a cane. However, talk with your doctor before doing so because putting too much pressure on your knee ruins your recovery.

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      Use routine home activities as an alternative form of exercise. Taking showers, climbing stairs and getting dressed allows you to further increase your range of motion. Start gradually bending your knee as you climb stairs or put on a pair of socks. Try slowly bending your knee as far as possible to reduce any discomfort.

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      Create an exercise program with your physical therapist that includes different activities to help your knee heal and keep you interested in your recovery. Routine therapy exercises help, but completing household chores without pain is quite an accomplishment. Clean your room with the help of a family member to get your exercise for the day.

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      Continue doing medically recommended activities such as stationary bike riding, swimming and walking around your block. You can also do yoga or go canoeing once your scar heals. Using a cane or crutches is essential right after surgery, but you can put them aside within 6 weeks.

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      Schedule follow-up appointments to assess how your knee is healing. Once your doctor signs off on your complete recovery, return to your normal exercise routine, but realize that your body isn't the same as it was before. Treat it with respect unless you want another knee replacement surgery.

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